

Tasks are jobs performed separately from client requests. They can be initialized by an action or by the server itself. With Stellar, there is no need to separately execute a daemon to process the work. Stellar uses the node-resque package for storing and processing tasks. In Stellar there are three ways of processing tasks: normal, delayed and periodic. In normal processing, the tasks are queued one by one by the TaskProcessor. When the task is delayed, it is inserted in a special queue which will be processed at a certain time in the future; the delay is set in milliseconds from the time of insertion or through a timestamp. Finally, periodic tasks are similar to delayed tasks, but periodic tasks are executed repeatedly with a certain frequency.

Note: It is recommended to use tasks for sending emails and other operations that can be performed asynchronously in order to shorten client responses.

Types of Tasks

This subsection demonstrates the types of tasks that exist and how they can be used.

First, we have the normal tasks. Tasks of this type are added to a queue and processed in order of arrival as soon as there are free workers.

// api.tasks.enqueue(taskName, args, queue, callback)
api.tasks.enqueue('sendResetPasswordEmail', { to: 'gil00mendes@gmail.com' }, 'default', (error, toRun) => {
// task enqueued!

Then we have the delayed tasks. These tasks are enqueued in a special ‘delayed’ queue to be processed at some time in the future (defined either by a timestamp or a number of milliseconds from the time the task is created):

// api.tasks.enqueueAt(timestamp, taskName, args, queue, callback)
api.tasks.enqueueAt(1591629508, 'sendNotificationEmail', { to: 'gil00mendes@gmail.com' }, 'default', (error, toRun) => {
// task enqueued!

Finally, periodic tasks are like delayed tasks, but they run on a set frequency (e.g., every 5 minutes):

// api.tasks.enqueueIn(delay, taskName, args, queue, callback)
api.tasks.enqueueIn(60000, 'sendNotificationEmail', { to: 'gil00mendes@gmail.com' }, 'default', (error, toRun) => {
// task enqueued!

Note: Periodic tasks can take no input parameters.

Create an Task

The actions are stored in the /tasks folder inside each module. To generate a new task you can run the command: stellar makeTask <task_name> --module=<module_name>. A task has some mandatory properties, which are described in the next section.


The list below are the properties supported by the tasks. The properties name, description, and run are mandatory.

Note: for the task name it is recommended to use a namespace; e.g., auth.sessionValidation.


The example below shows the structure of a task which records a message “Hello!!!” every second:

exports.sayHello = {
name: 'sayHello',
description: 'I say hello',
queue: 'default',
frequency: 1000,

run (api, params, next) {
// log a new message

// finish the task execution

Task Management

Stellar has a number methods which allow you to manage and query the state of the task queues.

Remove a Task

Remove all tasks which match the given parameters - api.tasks.del(queue, taskName, args, count, callback):

Remove a Task with Delay

Remove all tasks with delay which match the given parameters - api.tasks.delDelayed(queue, taskName, args, callback):

Clean a Queue

The api.tasks.delQueue(queue, callback) method removes all the tasks in a queue:

Recurrent Jobs

The api.tasks.enqueueRecurrentJob(taskName, callback) method allows you add a new recurrent job:

Stop Recurrent Jobs

The api.tasks.stopRecurrentJob(taskName, callback) method allows you stop a recurrent job:

Tasks with Timestamps

The api.tasks.timestamps(callback) method allows you get an array with all tasks with an associated timestamp.


The api.tasks.stats(callback) method allows you to get an array with all statistics of the resque cluster.


The api.tasks.locks(callback) method allows you to get an array with all existing locks in the cluster.

Remove a Lock

The api.tasks.delLock(lockName, callback) method allows you to remove a lock from the cluster:

Remove Tasks on a Timestamp

The api.tasks.delDelayesAt(timestamp, callback) method removes all tasks on the requested timestamp:

Remove all Tasks with Delay

The api.tasks.allDelayed(callback) method allows you to remove all tasks with delay.

Get Workers

The api.tasks.workers(callback) method allows you to get all TaskProcessors instances.


The api.tasks.details(callback) method allows you to get information about the existing queues.

Failed Count

The api.tasks.failedCount(callback) method allows you to get the number of failed jobs.

Remove a Failed Job

The api.tasks.removeFailed(failedJob, callback) method allows you remove a task from the failed jobs queue.

Retry a Failed Job

The api.tasks.retryAndRemoveFailed(failedJob, callback) method allows you to retry failed task and remove that task from the failed jobs queue.

Failed Job Management

Periodic tasks cannot receive input parameters. Sometimes a worker crashes is a severe way, and it doesn’t have a chance to notify Redis that it is leaving the pool (this happens often on PaaS like Heroku). When this happens, you will not only need to extract the job from the now-dead worker’s “working on” status, but also remove the stuck worker. To aid you in these edge cases, api.tasks.cleanOldWorkers(age, callback) is available.

Because there are no ‘heartbeats’ in resque, it is impossible for the application to know whether a worker has been working on a long job or it is dead.